Dear Future Six-Figure Success Story

Imagine sending a few simple emails from your laptop, tablet or smartphone and seeing your bank account grow by…

…£4,084.66 in 10 minutes…

…£114,200 in 2 hours…

…£28,730 in 5 days…

…£57,730 in 1 week…

…or even £1.16 million in 19 days!

I know this is possible, because I’ve enjoyed these paydays and countless others.

In total, my Big Ticket Email Formula has generated more than £37 MILLION in sales for my own businesses.

It has provided me with the financial freedom to live and work when and where I want.

I don’t say that to show off, but to prove that when it comes to making money online, the simple approach is often the most profitable.

And the great news is you don’t need to be a professional copywriter or have decades of marketing or publishing experience to enjoy these kind of windfalls.

To see if it worked for others, I trained a select group of people without any previous experience to use my Big Ticket Email Formula.

And every single one of them who put it into practice went on to generate incredible returns.

Here are just a few of them:

  • One woman from the Cotswolds generated £6,398 and £14,799 from 2 short emails and ultimately banked six-figures using my approach
  • The Essex-born printer who used my email method to bank £30,000 in a single day (ultimately he amassed more than HALF A MILLION working with me.)
  • An ex-pat Brit used it to pull in one-off windfalls of £2,320, £4,110 and £11,831 while lounging in his tropical villa
  • And one of my students from Hastings banked £277,220 by following my plan including individual paydays of £7,952£10,374£14,850… £17,892… and £31,207!

They didn’t need to write long sales promotions or create fancy websites.

They didn’t have any writing, marketing or publishing experience.

I simply showed them how to copy my Big Ticket Email Formula to generate their own 4, 5 and 6-figure windfalls.

And I’d like to invite you to become one of my next success stories.

Today I’d like to hand over absolutely EVERYTHING you need to start enjoying your own 4, 5 and even 6-figure paydays on demand.

I’m so confident it will
work for you…


I’m confident because I’ve done the hard work for you:

  • I’ve selected the opportunity
  • I’ve identified the hottest products you can profit from
  • I’ve even created a WHOLE YEAR’S WORTH of ‘fill in the blanks’ email templates for you

Keep reading and I’ll show you – in detail – how my Big Ticket Email Formula works and how you can get started risk-free.

Why Email is The Single Best Way to
Make a Life-Changing Income Online

Some people think that email is old hat…

And yet, despite the global domination of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social media platforms, email is still the single best way to make money online…

According to research by McKinsey, email is 40 TIMES more effective way to sell than Facebook or Twitter.

No other online or offline channel comes even close.

  • An email message is 5x more likely to be seen than via Facebook and 6X than Twitter
  • 72% people prefer to receive promotional content through email, compared to 17% who prefer social media.

And the great news for you and I is that according to a report by the Radicati Group email continues to grow.

There are now more than 4.1 billion email users – that’s half the global population!

Email generates more profits too.

The latest estimate shows that social media generates 28p profit for every £1 spent – a 0.28% profit.

Meanwhile, email generates a
jaw-dropping 3,800% profit!

Email is, by every measure, the single best way to engage customers, develop a trusting relationship and ultimately to sell stuff. (And don’t worry you NEVER have to create your own products.)

And now, if you’re interested, I’d like to invite you to copy my Big Ticket Email Formula and create your own part-time cash-on-demand email business.

And let me reassure you:

  • You don’t need any technical skills.
  • You don’t need an office, staff or equipment.
  • You don’t need to be a marketing expert or have a talent for writing.
  • And you definitely don’t need a product!

You can easily start and run this proven online enterprise from home part-time in just a few hours each week.

In fact, as you are about to see, I’m going to give you ALL the tools and shortcuts so that you can semi-automate the whole process.

It doesn’t matter if you have any previous experience.

All you have to do is ‘copy and paste’ information that is sent to your computer, tablet or smartphone, into the ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ templates I’ve created for you.

Don’t worry, none of this is difficult or techie.

And the great part of all this is that when you get sales, you don’t have the hassle of taking the money, delivering the product or offering any sort of customer service.

It’s all done for you!

You’re just there to point your readers in the right direction and bank the profits.

It’s a bit like showing someone a Ferrari through the window of a fancy car showroom and then getting a fat commission on the sale if they decide to buy it.

It’s not your Ferrari.

It’s not your car showroom.

You’ve risked nothing and yet you still make a profit.

Can you see why this approach is so compelling?

If you do, then you could be a perfect candidate for my new InfopreneurPro Fast Track programme.

You see, I’m looking for a few motivated people who I can train to replicate my proven method for making 4, 5 and even 6-figure payouts on demand.

Why I started thinking about you
during lockdown…

Like millions of people in the UK, I’ve had a LOT of time on my hands during the past 2 years.

When we all went into lockdown, rather than learn to play the guitar, make the perfect soufflé or redecorate the house, I took a long hard look at what I’d achieved over the last 19 years in my business.

I wanted to figure out what – if anything – was behind all of the most successful launches and promotions I had done over the years…

Most of the time I am just too busy working on my business to stand back and see it as a whole.

And what I saw took my breath away…

You see, the closer I looked, the more I realised that all of my biggest wins since 2000 could be reduced to one thing – my Big Ticket Email Formula.

The truth was this simple email formula could make me more money, with very little work, virtually on demand!

I discovered that my biggest paydays…

…£4,084.66 in 10 minutes…

…£114,200 in 2 hours…

…£28,730 in 5 days…

…£57,730 in 1 week…

…and even £1.16 million in 19 days…

…all came from a certain kind of product and a certain kind of marketing…

I went deeper and realised those that made the most money BUT required the least amount of work were not the products or services that I’d created but…

“Other Peoples’ Products!”

I was shocked.

I’d spent hundreds of thousands of pounds and years of research and development creating my own products and services…

And yet, my easiest paydays came from offering other peoples’ products and getting paid £200, £500 even £1,000+ for every sale!

Then it hit me…

“I could teach anyone to do this!”

I mean, if you don’t have to create a product, you could easily use my Big Ticket Email Formula to set up your own string of push-button paydays.

So I set myself a lockdown challenge…

How could I remove as many obstacles, challenges and choices you would face if you were to do this yourself?

I tried to imagine what you would need to copy my Big Ticket Email Formula with…

  • No customers
  • No products
  • No staff
  • No tech or online skills
  • No marketing, writing or publishing experience

And the results of my lockdown challenge is why I’m writing to you today.

Keep reading and I’ll show you – in detail – the EXACT method I’ve used in my own business to sell more than THIRTY-SEVEN MILLION POUNDS worth of products and services.

In fact the money just keeps rolling in
thanks to my Big Ticket Email Formula

Take a look at my monthly sales
figures so far this year…

TOTAL: £533,065


Remember, this is the same method I have taught to a handful of people and every single one of them who put it into practice enjoyed 4 and 5 figure profit paydays including…

£6,398… £14,799… £2,320,… £4,110… £11,831… £7,952£10,374£14,850… £17,892£31,207!

And now, if you’re willing, I’d like to help you copy this profit plan for yourself by giving you EVERYTHING you need to get set up and running including:

  • Pre-selected markets with proven high demand niches
  • Hand-picked big ticket products that you can sell and get one-off or even recurring commission payouts
  • A year’s worth of email templates where you just fill in the blanks and send out
  • Pre-written ‘cut and paste’ promotional email templates
  • My Accelerated Hungry Crowd Attractor that gives you free and low cost ways to collect emails
  • PLUS my personal hand-holding for the next 12 months

Remember, you don’t need any publishing, marketing or writing experience.

None of my previous private-client students did.

You don’t need to know anything about building websites.

All you need is an internet-enabled computer, tablet or smartphone.

And yet you could easily set up and run this part-time (evenings and weekends or whenever you have spare time) in a few hours each week.

So what’s the first thing you need
if you want to make money?

Ask Gary…

Gary Halbert was one of the greatest marketers of all time (and one of my personal heroes)…

He used to challenge his students to answer this question:

“If you and I both owned a hamburger stand and we were in a contest to see who could sell the most hamburgers, what advantages would you most like to have on your side to help you win?”

Students would answer ‘high quality meat’… ‘sesame seeded buns’…’a great location’… or ‘lowest prices’…

When they had finished offering answers, Gary would say something like:

“O.K., I’ll give you every single advantage you have asked for. I, myself, only want one advantage and, if you will give it to me, I will (when it comes to selling burgers) whip the pants off all of you!”

And you know what he would ask for?


Think about it…

You could have expensive food in a terrible location BUT if you could put yourself in front of a hungry crowd, you’d have a line going around the block.

Of course, a hungry crowd is no use if they don’t have the money to pay.

So, we have to find people who have enough money and the motivation to buy. More, we want people who are highly likely to make multiple purchases over time.

As part of my new InfopreneurPro Fast Track Programme, I’ve done this vital market research for you…

I’ve singled out opportunities that offer
you proven SIX-FIGURE per year
earning potential…

All too often, people pick opportunities that are either too big (competitive) or too small (lacking profit potential), so I decided to find those that hit the ‘sweet spot’.

I made sure they each had loads of proven demand, plenty of sub niches you could take over, repeat purchase potential and the ability to make at least £100,000+ per year in the long term.

I won’t reveal full details of these markets right now for obvious reasons and will ask you to sign a simple non-disclosure agreement if you decide to join me.

This protects you and me from other people exploiting this commercially-sensitive and potentially VERY valuable information.

OK, so let me tease you with some information to give you an idea of the potential:

  • SWEET SPOT OPPORTUNITY #1: This global market is worth an estimated $65.33 billion (£53.31 billion) and growing. I’ll show you how to target professionals with big budgets who are desperate to find very specific solutions. I’ll give you a list of the big ticket products that could earn you up to £5,675 per sale!
  • SWEET SPOT OPPORTUNITY #2: Another massive potential email goldmine, this market is currently worth $8.59 billion (£7.01 billion) and growing by 5.1% per year. It contains a hungry crowd of super-motivated individuals who are looking for certain tools and services to give them the ‘edge’ in a subject that can bring them financial independence.
  • SWEET SPOT OPPORTUNITY #3: This booming $41.81 billion (£34.20 billion) global market is a perfect fit for the Big Ticket Email Formula. It contains an ever-growing hungry crowd who are actively looking for help to improve their lives in very specific ways and are prepared to spend serious cash to achieve their goals.

Each of these opportunities (and others I have lined up for you) has the potential to make the right person at least £100,000 per year by sending out emails recommending other peoples’ products.

Could you be the right person?

Yes, absolutely!

If you accept this invitation to join my InfopreneurPro Fast-Track Programme, you can choose ANY of these ‘sweet spot’ opportunities. (Don’t worry I’ll even help you to decide on the one that best matches your personality.)

I’ve created in-depth reports for each one that contain all the essential ‘need-to-know’ information, resources and contacts, including:

  • THE OPPORTUNITY: I’ll tell you everything you need to know about each sweet spot market, including how big it is, the growth areas and specific ways you can profit.
  • THE HUNGRY CROWD: I’ve broken down each opportunity for you and found multiple highly profitable sub-niches for you to choose from.
  • THE PRODUCTS: I’ve also hunted down and found other peoples’ products that offer the biggest payouts.

IMPORTANT: I recommend you select just one sweet spot opportunity to begin with, but once you are up and running, you can easily create 2,3 or more running simultaneously part-time!

So how much could you be making?

Imagine banking £9,475
from just 2 emails…

Let me give you a realistic example…

One of the products I’ll share with you pays out £645 per sale.

You send one of the simple ‘fill in the blanks’ promotional emails I’ve written for you.

Now let’s say you make 10 sales.

You’d bank £6,450 (£645 x 10).

The following month you promote a different offer that pays you £121 per sale.

This time you sell 25 and make a further £3,025.

So from just 2 emails, you’d bank a total £9,475!

Remember, all of the people I’ve trained in the past who’ve followed my Big Ticket Email Formula have banked similar amounts from individual emails:

  • One generated £6,398 and £14,799 from 2 short emails
  • Another sent out 3 emails and made £2,320, £4,110 and £11,831…
  • And one used a string of emails to pocket £7,952… £10,374… £14,850… £17,892… and £31,207

Can you see how your profits can add up?

But you don’t have to promote all of the time.

In fact, you could just do them once or twice a month.

The rest of the time you are (legally) sending out other peoples’ content using template emails I’ve written for you.

That would only take you a couple of hours PER WEEK!

So say you only promote those 2 pre-selected products 6 times a year using my Big Ticket Email Formula.

With the same response you would make £56,850.

And you could realistically do that with just 1,000 people on your list. (Don’t worry, I’ll give you quick, free and low cost ways to build your email list)

With 2,000 emails and the same response you’d pull in a cool…

£113,700 per year!

That’s entirely possible.

And let me smash one of the biggest email myths…

You don’t need a huge list to enjoy big payouts.

Even 500 or 1,000 emails is more than enough to start generating 4 and 5-figure paydays.

(I remember the very first time I used my Big Ticket Email Formula in my own business. I only had 750 names, sent out ONE email recommending someone else’s product and made £34,947.50 overnight!)

You see, it’s the quality of your list that matters, not the quantity.

Through the InfopreneurPro Fast Track Programme I’ll show you the proven free and low-cost ways to attract only those people who are most likely to respond to multiple big ticket offers.

OK, right now you may be wondering how you can persuade complete strangers you will never meet to buy high-priced products and services?

The solution is simple…

You Give Away Other Peoples’ Content!

Here’s the core secret behind my Big Ticket Email Formula – the one that you could soon be using to trigger your own 4, 5 and even 6-figure windfalls…

If you’ve ever gone online to research a high-priced purchase – whether it’s a TV, camera, car or holiday destination – you’ll know there is a huge amount of often conflicting advice out there.

You’ll find review sites, YouTube videos, blogs, forums and countless other places of information.

It’s easy to lose hours going down one information rabbit hole after another and resurfacing more confused than when you started!

A much better solution is to let someone else do all the research for you – to collect together all the latest and essential information they need into a single email.

And that’s where you come in…

As part of the InfopreneurPro Fast Track Programme, I’ve already found the best sources of information for each of the sweet spot opportunities for you.

Even better, I’ll show you how to set up automated newsfeeds where all the most up-to-date, essential and best quality content is sent directly to you.

It’s easy!

All you have to do is cut and paste the relevant parts and then put them into one of the pre-prepared templates I’ve created for you.

Don’t worry, this is perfectly legal as long as you mention the original source. (I’ll show you how to do that too!)

I’ll show you how to send out the email to your hungry crowd and they can get the information they need in one place.

There’s really nothing difficult or techie involved.

It’s just a matter of filling in the blanks…

But the result is that by sending out these useful emails once a week, you start to build trust and authority.

Your audience starts looking forward to getting your emails because you are helping them to save time and effort and bring them closer to their goal.

And crucially, they get this information for FREE.

You don’t bombard them with sales messages.

Once or twice a month you just select one of the big ticket offers that I have already short-listed for you and put together a short email that recommends it to your readers (again, I’ve done the hard work for you by creating ‘fill in the blanks’ email templates).

You then just send it out, sit back and wait for the emails hitting your inbox notifying you that you’ve made another commission.

I have to tell you that there’s no better feeling when it comes to an online business, of refreshing your inbox and seeing those emails pinging into your account… knowing that each one could be making you £100s!

So how can you profit with email without any previous experience?

As part of the InfopreneurPro Fast Track Programme, I’ll show you exactly how you can use simple emails to build a very profitable online business.

This is your chance to step directly into a ready-made business without having to research and select the best market…

…or come up with your own product…

…or try your hand at professional sales copy…

…or get stuck trying to build a website.

Before we continue, let me make one thing clear…

Any decision you make today is entirely without risk.

I’m happy to let you get full access to everything for your review.

This includes details of the sweet spot opportunities, my pick of other peoples’ products you can profit from, the fill in the blanks email templates and the simple steps to help you set this up quickly.


  • I’ve chosen the opportunities for you
  • I’ve found the big ticket product offers
  • I’ve listed all the places you can get other peoples’ content
  • I’ve even put together a whole year’s worth of fill- in-the-blanks emails

And you know that you are following a proven email formula that continues to work for me and for others who have put it into practice.

If you can find someone better qualified to teach you how to make a LOT
of money from emails, I’d love to meet them!

I’ve used emails to make money in some of the most competitive subjects including financial trading, investing, health, business enterprise, sports betting, self-improvement, personal finance and many more.

I’ve also advised companies in diverse areas of education, law and corporate finance to generate leads and sales using the same simple email method.

But here’s the thing…

I’m nothing special.

I was useless at school and barely scraped through my A levels.

I spent years going from one crummy manual job to another including a meat processing plant, steelworks and electrical warehouse.

Eventually, I managed to get myself a junior role at a publishing company.

And that’s when my luck changed…

Not only did I meet my future wife, Heloise, there, but I learned the essential secrets that would eventually become my Big Ticket Email Formula

You see, the company I joined was Agora Inc – a global multi-billion dollar financial newsletter publisher.

Its founder is a guy called Bill Bonner.

Bill is a genuine publishing legend and also happens to be the person who single-handedly started the whole email marketing industry back in the late 1990s.

In 2000 he promoted me to eMarketing Director where I launched the UK’s first free daily financial email newsletter – The Daily Reckoning UK.

Within 18 months, the company’s online revenues went from less than 5% to more than 50% of the total business – all thanks to email.

And that’s where I started to develop my Big Ticket Email Formula.

In 2003 I set up my own business – Canonbury Publishing – with my wife Heloise and used my email method to pull over £37 million in sales.

And as you have seen, my Big Ticket Email Formula continues to bank me 5 and 6 figures every month:

My Big Ticket Email Formula
Sales So Far In 2022

TOTAL: £533,065

As a direct result of my Big Ticket Email Formula I live a very happy life.

I’ve made a LOT of money doing something I actually love.

I’ve got a beautiful and talented wife, two amazing kids, a £4 million house in the middle of London… and all the security and independence that comes with owning a successful business.

I have the freedom to work the hours I want.

And now – if you are willing – I want to help you to enjoy the personal and financial rewards that I know are possible by following my Big Ticket Email Formula.

The way I’ve set up this programme makes it easy for you to get started and making money in around 1 hour per day.

I’ve done ALL of the hard work for you – pre-selected the opportunity, the hungry crowd, other peoples’ products, other peoples’ content – the lot!

Take up one of the very limited risk-free trial places today and you’ll get instant access to:

  • The InfopreneurPro members-only home hub: this is where you’ll find all the instructions, tools and resources – you can work through the modules at your own pace. I will lay out in detail every single step from choosing your market to creating your emails (using other peoples’ content) and banking your payouts.

Value: £497        

  • Sweet spot opportunities that could make you £100,000 PER YEAR! – I’ll hand over all the essential research and need-to-know information about each ‘sweet spot’ opportunity including in-depth analysis of the market’s potential, emerging opportunities, detailed hungry crowd profiles, where to get other peoples’ best content, the most profitable offers of other peoples’ products and more. This will form the solid foundation for your business and will save you months – even years – of essential research. Choose any one of the opportunities to start with and then (if you wish) you could use any of the others to create multiple streams of income.

VALUE: 5 X £2,000 EACH = £10,000!

  • A years’s worth of ‘fill in the blanks’ high engagement content email templates: there’s nothing worse than staring at a blank word document waiting for inspiration. That’s why I’ve put together 52 weekly content emails for you saving you even more time and effort. These are based on my most successful emails with the highest open rates I have sent over the last 19 years. Each email would usually cost at least £100 each to have them professionally written for you.    

VALUE: £5,200

  • Super high conversion sales email templates – when recommending one of your big-ticket offers, you want to make sure that you are sending out the most persuasive, engaging and effective promotional emails. It takes years of writing and expensive testing to find the perfect approach. But you don’t have to do any of the hard work.I’ve collected together and adapted a collection of my most successful promotional emails – ones that have generated 4, 5 and even 6-figure payouts. I’ll show you how to fill in the specific details of the offer and send to your list. A top freelance copywriter would charge you at least £2,500 for this kind of collection, but you get them as part of the InfopreneurPro programme.

VALUE: £2,500

  • Accelerated hungry crowd attractor bundle to help build your email list quickly and cheaply. I’ll show you free and super low-cost ways to attract highly qualified people who are ready to buy. As part of the InfoPro programme, you’ll get access to a collection of easy-to-follow masterclasses.

VALUE: £1,000+  

  • 12 month’s subscription to the Big Ticket Offer Alert – to save you the hassle of finding new offers to present to your email list, I’ll even do the research for you and send you regular email alerts giving you full details of all the latest big ticket offers you could be profiting from for the next 12 months.

VALUE: £497!


  • Stress-free business essentials kit: I don’t want you to worry about the nuts and bolts of setting up your own Big Ticket Email Formula business. Instead I’ll give you simple instructions that will make it easy and stress-free even when you are making a six-figure annual part-time income.
  • The ultimate planning processor: I want to help you set up and run your Big Ticket Email Formula business part-time and at times that you choose – and with this easy-to-use planner you can organise your time for maximum efficiency.
  • 12 months email support: Although I’m giving you EVERYTHING you need to start and run my Big Ticket Email business without any previous experience, you won’t be left alone. You can ask questions about any element of the InfopreneurPro programme and get prompt and detailed help from me and the support team. The equivalent level of business support would normally cost at least £97 per month.

VALUE: £1,164



How much would a proven method that could make £28,627, £57,730, or £114,200 from a single email be worth to you?

I know my Big Ticket Email Formula makes money.

It’s how I’ve made a great living for the past 19 years.

It’s the exact same method I have used in my own business and for my consulting clients to generate in excess of £37 million in sales.

And I have taught others to copy it too and every one of them has made money:

  • The Cotswolds-based ‘infopreneur’ who generated £6,398 and £14,799 from 2 short emails…
  • The Essex-born man who banked £30,000 in a single day…
  • An ex-pat Brit who pulled in one-off windfalls of £2,320, £4,110 and £11,831…
  • And a Hastings-based follower who enjoyed individual paydays of £7,952£10,374£14,850… £17,892… and £31,207!

And it wasn’t just a few one-off payments – each of them went on to bank SIX-FIGURES with this method.

And like them, all the the really hard research and thinking has been done for you.

  • The Market
  • The Products
  • The Content
  • And The Marketing

You can see that the total value of the InfopreneurPro Fast Track programme is at least £20,858.

That’s the kind of investment you would need for some franchises (and pay a percentage of your profits to the franchise owner).

But I don’t expect a penny in royalties from what you earn.

So how do I put a price on something I know is worth 4, 5 or even 6 figures to the right person?

Initially I was thinking of offering this for £1,997 – and that would still be a bargain.

But I know we are all facing the cost of living crisis.

And yes, this is a considered investment.

That’s why I decided to make this available to as many serious people as possible.

It means you can get full access to the InfopreneurPro Fast Track Programme for just


As you’ve seen, once you are set up, you could get that back and more from just one email to your list recommending a big ticket deal.


Offer text to go in here.

Places are EXTREMELY limited
so you need to respond fast

I’m offering you a ready-to-go business that could make you a 6-figure annual income part-time.

While the sweet spot opportunities I’ve selected for you have plenty of profit potential, there is a limit to the number of people I am prepared to train.

I will be working with people directly and there’s only so many hours in the day!

I want to give you and others my full attention.

So if you’re excited about copying my proven Big Ticket Email Formula then make sure you start your 30-day risk-free trial by clicking here.

Just go right now to the bottom of this page, hit the ‘Click Here’ button and follow the simple instructions.

What you’ll need to make £100,000+ per year with my Big Ticket Email Formula

This could be a completely life-changing experience for some people.

But that doesn’t mean this opportunity is for everyone.

So before you decide whether to join me or not, I want to make sure you know EXACTLY what’s expected of you.

First, the essentials:

  • Internet-connected PC/Mac – you can also use a tablet or smartphone if you don’t mind working on a small screen! 😉 As you’ll be spending time online then you will need to be comfortable working on a PC or Mac. You’ll need basic (and I do mean basic) Microsoft Word skills and be able to search on Google. Please, if you have ANY doubts about any of the above, don’t join. We will be laser-focused on putting your business together quickly and I don’t have time to hand hold people who find anything about basic computer skills or going online daunting.
  • Around £250 start-up capital – this is for the basic setup. When you start earning commissions, you can reinvest some of your profits, so the entire business becomes self-funding.
  • An average 7 Hours Per Week to work on your business – once you are up and running you can easily manage your email business in 1 hour per day or less. You don’t have to ‘work’ every day and can fit this around your current work and family commitments at weekends or in the evening. To make sure you use your time efficiently you’ll have access to a project planner that breaks down the project into manageable chunks and then lets you plan your tasks.

You’ll also need the right mindset…

  • Effort: I’m giving you the method and the materials of a real business that has generated over £37 million. I’ve broken down the business into simple steps, and given you checklists, templates, and swipe files so you don’t have to figure everything out yourself. But you still need to take action. If you’re hoping for one of those mythical push-button ‘lazy way’ schemes, you’ll be disappointed.
  • MOTIVATION: I couldn’t care less about your age, experience, skills, or education. But you do need real enthusiasm and passion; otherwise, it’s simply not worth you taking up one of the valuable spaces.No one is forced to join – so I don’t expect to end up dealing with people who have a negative attitude or blame others for their own failures. I know there are plenty of upbeat, positive-minded challenge seekers out there. And it’s only those people I want to work with.
  • PERSISTENCE: If you’re the sort who gives up easily, or refuses to get help, this isn’t for you. As with any business or worthwhile pursuit, you WILL face obstacles and setbacks along the way. That’s normal. Remember, you can email me and the InfopreneurPro support team with any questions and we will put you on the right track.

If you want to be a success, then
just stick to the formula

If you take care to follow each step of my Big Ticket Email Formula I am absolutely convinced you WILL make money.

Go off course and even though you won’t lose money you won’t make nearly the kind of figures I’m talking about.

There’s nothing magic or lucky about this method.

It’s very much like following a recipe – leave out a couple of vital ingredients and it just won’t work.

I know that might sound obvious but you’d be amazed at how many people follow instructions for a part of the way and then try and ‘go it alone’ thinking that they know better.

They start going off on tangents and thinking they know best…

If you ask me you’d have to be crazy to deviate from this proven method.

It’s a cash cow that requires very little work and offers very large rewards. In fact I’m willing to guarantee it!



My Personal and 100% Unconditional
30Day Refund Guarantee

Look, I know that you are making an investment of time, effort and money to start and build this business.

I respect that and understand you will want some reassurance it is the right decision

That’s why I’m offering you a FULL, unconditional 30-day risk-free guarantee to try this out for yourself.

I’ve tried to be as open and honest as possible about what’s involved, but you can’t truly know until you see for yourself.

So you can join, have full access to the opportunity research, training materials and all the other resources for 30 days on a no-strings trial basis. 

If for whatever reason you do not wish to continue, just let me know within the first 30 days and I will personally make sure that you receive a full and prompt refund.

It’s really not a problem as I only want to work with people who are happy to do this otherwise we’d be wasting each other’s time.

By laying everything out for you to see – in this risk-free way – it is fair on both of us and protects both of us too.

And even if you don’t want to go ahead, at least you’ll have had a really good look at everything for a WHOLE MONTH and still NOT RISKED A SINGLE PENNY!



I want to make sure you feel motivated and confident while you are putting my Big Ticket Email Formula into action.

I know this works for all the people who have followed my exact method. And that’s why I’m prepared to go even further to prove it to you.

So you can follow my Big Ticket Email Formula as detailed in the InfopreurPRO Fast Track Programme for the next year…

And if it doesn’t make you a PROFIT over those 12
months of at least


Then I’ll Pay You



Are you ready to become one of my Big Ticket Email Infopreneurs and make £100,000+ a year part-time from home?

If your answer is yes:

If you’re ambitious, enthusiastic and motivated, then here’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for:

  • I’ve chosen the opportunities for you
  • I’ve found the big ticket product offers
  • I’ve listed all the places you can get other peoples’ content
  • I’ve even put together a whole year’s worth of fill- in-the-blanks emails

And you have the confidence that you are following a proven formula that continues to work for me and for others who have put it into practice.

One that continues to deliver 4, 5 and even 6-figure paydays.

If you’re ready, please don’t delay.

When all the limited places are taken, the doors will close without warning and this website will be taken down.

To secure your place and start your 30-day risk-free trial, click on the green button below.

I can’t wait to start working with you!

Best regards,

Nick Laight

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